Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Busy Bee in the Big City

I am soooo sorry for having been incommunicado for a long time. My students have been a source of wonder, frustration and shock, if not awe
for Mark and me. Mark has been a great help to me checking my papers
since my homeworks and a great deal of the exams are in essay form. I
swear to God, you will not wish to have a teacher like me in your next
life. Not that I am into torture. I just want to give the student's
their money's worth.

Finally, I am in a work environment that I particularly enjoy and will
miss when I leave for Dubai. I work as a Marketing Consultant on a
part-time basis for a landscape architectural firm. Every two or three
days a week, I report for work and organize and run their Marketing
Dept. It has been fulfilling since I started, the firm has been
positioned for three projects, was awarded 2 projects and has appeared
in two industry journals. Not bad!

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